March 25, 2017
Would you spend over $10,000 per month in marketing without knowing what you’re getting? We didn’t think so. Surprisingly, in pay-per-click advertising, we see that happen regularly when we talk to prospective clients.
Today, we’re going to tell you a real story about an actual customer and how we helped them establish, and then reduce, their cost-per-lead so they know how well their marketing dollars are performing.
When we started working on the account, the business spent over $10,000 per month in Bing and AdWords. They knew the advertising was generating leads, but they didn’t know how many or at what cost. On top of that, they had over 60 landing pages which made tracking, changing, and testing a headache.
Our first step was to transition their landing pages to Unbounce and use Dynamic Text Replacement to reduce the quantity of pages from 60 to just 4. The simpler management environment allowed us to easily set up call and form conversions to track their performance.
Once the tracking was in place, they could see which keywords converted into leads and at what cost. We saw that 55% of their leads came from landing page calls, 21% from call extensions, and 24% from form submissions.
We also turned off underperforming keywords which reduced cost-per-lead by over 40% in three months and saved $30,000 per year in ad spend. The client is happy and we continue to optimize their campaigns to create more growth.
If you’d like more clarity in your pay-per-click marketing campaign, get in touch with us at We’ll make sure your ROI and campaign performance is clear and is supporting your business’s growth.
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